
Daniele Orsato to referee Manchester City-Real Madrid

11h12 CEST


Daniele Orsato will referee the Champions League quarter-final second leg between Manchester City and Real Madrid at the Etihad Stadium (Wednesday, 9pm CEST). The Italian referee will officiate a match involving our team in this competition for the ninth time.

All the matches involving Real Madrid that he has refereed​:
-Chelsea-Real Madrid (0-2). Champions League 2022/23 quarter-final second leg.
-Leipzig-Real Madrid (3-2). Champions League 2022/23 Group Stage.
-Real Madrid-Manchester City (3-1). Champions League 2021/22 Semi-Final Second Leg.
-PSG-Real Madrid (1-0). Champions League 2021/22, Round of 16 first leg.
-Chelsea-Real Madrid (2-0). Champions League 2020/21, second leg of the semi-finals.
-Real Madrid-Manchester City (1-2). Champions League 2019/20 Round of 16 first leg.
-Galatasaray-Real Madrid (0-1). Champions League 2019/20 Group Stage.
-Real Madrid-Malmö (8-0). Champions League 2015/16 Group Stage.

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