
Lucas Vázquez: "We've taken a big step towards the league title"

06h26 CEST


Lucas Vázquez talked to Realmadrid TV after the Clásico win at the Santiago Bernabéu. The defender, who played a major role in the game being brought down for a penalty, scoring a goal and providing an assist, said: "We've had an amazing night with our fans. It's something everyone deserved. We've taken a big step towards the league title".

"Despite coming here after a tremendous effort in Manchester, the team gave their all once again and put in a great performance to get the win that gives us that advantage. We're closer to the league title".

Real Madrid DNA
"With five minutes left we were talking to each other, saying we're going to win. That's what this club and this badge represent, we always want to win and fight until the end. We never give up".

Fatigue after the Champions League game?
"We knew that today was like a final in the league and that the team needed this win. We did a fantastic job and we're all very happy".

His performance
"I'm really happy to be able to help the team. So many things went well today and that's very important for everyone".

Advantage in the league
"It says a lot about our hard work. We've done very well in the league, we're on the right track, but we need to finish it off. We're still going for everything".

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