
Modrić: “We never stopped believing, we kept pushing and we came from behind again and again"

06h27 CEST


Modrić started and played the entire Clásico at the Santiago Bernabéu. Speaking after the game on Realmadrid TV, the Croatian said: "The win takes us closer to what we want, the league title. It was a great night and a great performance from the team. We never stopped believing. We went behind twice, but we kept pushing, playing well, pressing and in the end we came from behind again and again. It's a great night, like many at the Bernabéu".

The key to the comebacks
"Apart from quality, of course, which you have to have, there's an incredible character and belief. This is not by chance any more. If it happens so many times, it's no coincidence. There's something about this team that pushes us forward. And with this crowd, like today, it makes everything easier".

The Santiago Bernabéu
"It's incredible. We're very happy and thankful to the fans. They've created a spectacular atmosphere. When you play at home with the crowd cheering you on like today, it makes everything easier. We have to thank the Bernabéu a lot". 

Hard work
"There's a lot to be said for that, we had a very tough 120-minute game on Wednesday in which we were physically and mentally exhausted, but we showed once again that we're in good shape both physically and mentally. We're where we want to be, 11 points clear. We're not far from winning the league".

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